Friday, February 8, 2013

Last Minute Valentines Gifts Part 1

I know this post is so late. ): I apologize, the week was SO busy! I didn't get much response from people when I was asking others to share their treasuries to be featured so I had to find my own. I had fun looking through all these. You can bet I tweeted each and every one! :)

Unfortunately as well blogger won't let me post all of the treasuries I chose in one post. So listed below is just the first half of this feature! I will post the next half tomorrow so as to not spam you all. Haha. :D

Anyway I tried to find a nice mix of things. Not everyone is shopping for a woman and not everyone is shopping for a guy. Some people shop for their pets and some shop for themselves. Some people love red and some people really want non-traditional gifts for holidays. Hopefully these Etsy treasuries help you to find the perfect gift for Valentines Day. You only have 6 days left!

Warning: This page is GRAPHICALLY HEAVY please give it time to load! There are 6 treasuries listed here! It may take a minute or two to load fully.

Hopefully these help you figure out some gift ideas for that crafty person or even a child in your life who deserves something sweet this V-Day. From pets to people to crafters and more.

In order to feature all these great treasuries I used a Craft Cult widget maker. It was SUPER helpful in making really short codes that didn't clog up my text box when writing this blog entry and making relatively small but still easily seen Treasury images. Want to make your own treasury previews? Check out the Craft Cult Treasury Tab. It's super easy!